Meat Pie Recipe

Meat Pie Recipe. This is a recipe for a juicy and delicious meat pie that can replace your entire meal.
This is the first time I’ve made it this way and I’m delighted with the result 🥰
Category: Savory Pies

Meat filling:
– 500g of ground beef
– 250g of leeks
– 1 red pepper
– 2 tablespoons of oil
– 1 teaspoon of salt
– 1/2 teaspoon of pepper
– 1 teaspoon of thyme (optional)

– 3 eggs
– A pinch of salt
– 100ml of oil
– 200ml carbonated mineral water
– 200 ml of yogurt
– 1 baking powder

And more:
-500g of thin crusts
– Sesame seeds

1.) Fry the meat in a little oil, add diced leeks and diced peppers. Season and fry for about 10 minutes.
2.) Beat the eggs until foamy with a little salt, add oil, carbonated water, yogurt and baking powder. Stir to combine all ingredients.
3.) Cut the skins into strips about 1 cm wide and separate them so they don’t stick together.
4.) In a mold with a diameter of 25 cm and lined with parchment paper, spread a third of the cut bark strips. We pour a third of the dressing over the crust, and then spread half of the filling with the meat.
Let’s repeat the same procedure once more. We finish the pie with the split crust and pour the remaining dressing.
Place one whole crust from above and slide it into the mold. Spread with oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
5.) Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (360°F) for about 40 minutes


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